The Old Gits is not a commercial organisation. We don't charge anything and don't make a profit. Those on the trips simply pay their own costs but benefit from any group discounts that can be arranged. Are you interested in joining in a furure Old Gits trip? Add your e-mail address to our mailing lists here. |
Nick P
P Welcome to
Nick Ps' page I rode '000s
of miles on this, often with a viola on my back! Very boring (the riding, not the viola),
and used to pass the times by harmonising around the constant drone of the exhaust flat
out at 25mph. Bought just
before took direct access licence in1997. Brilliant for
commuting - parted the traffic like Moses with my white helmet and black jacket. Came with
a Black Rat sticker on the back which I understood only when pulled over by the policeman
ex-owner. Heavy, sounds
like a washing machine on spin, but handles for such a lump and brilliant at distances.
And still running smoothly after 84k, if a little worse for wear in the looks department
(bit like me). Lost 100kg and gained 70bhp. Never going to use it to its capability but don't care. And had a centre-stand fitted so I had an excuse for not keeping up with other sports bikesStill 1200cc but a little les frantic. What a car.
An engineer's car - semi-auto gearbox, automatic jacking for wheel changing, steering
headlights, and comfort extrordinaire. And beautiful with it. And if I can really distort the site .... the boat! |